Dear Damien Correll and the Figma team —

Before the formalities, I want to answer why Figma?:
The insights from and exposure to the world's most creative communities seems unparalleled. I want to work beside and be challenged by the best—right in the middle of it; helping each other, pushing our collective assumptions, making valuable things, and protecting room for the cool.

I’d love to be your new Design Manager, Brand Studio—and here’s why I think you’ll love to have me:

First: I’m a strong, seasoned manager who can guide the work of your growing design team—someone you can trust with taste, execution, and mentorship while you’re trying to navigate one of the biggest exits in recent history (congratulations!).

I empower and protect my team 💂🏻‍♂️. At Segment, now Twilio, I’ve turned the Creative team from a neglected service org—one that made logos bigger and reacted to last-minute requests for image assets—into a valued partner. I’ve improved cross-functional effectiveness with tiered SLAs, streamlined brief templates, and made creative self-serve; all of it increasing the number of projects we support by 30%.

Second: I’m a clear communicator and confident leader who can make decisions quickly, no matter the brief—so you can focus on continued growth and excellence. 

I’ve done it all: multi-channel global campaigns that have delivered $2.3M in revenue, visual identity governance for teams of 70+ designers, event design for 10,000 attendees, print production that automates 3,000 sticker sheets with variable data, and stadium animations for 20,881 Chicago Bulls fans. Currently, I art direct 15 campaigns per month and 3 web pages per week. And I’ve done all that at a company navigating an acquisition.

What’s more, I deliver pixel-perfect results—the kind that Figma’s dedicated fans and customers expect and deserve 🧐. I care about integrity and details, and how they anchor successful design teams. To me, unsung work is the strongest proof of design integrity, from disciplined labeling of layers, to robust internal documentation—even when the details will never see the light of day, I’m rigorous in my principles, and I get everyone on the same page about where the bar is so that we can celebrate when we cross it and make changes when we don’t.

And finally, I’m a Figma power user. In fact, if there’s a level above “power user,” I’m that. Beyond web and product design systems, I use Figma to explore edge cases—like a logo builder that uses component properties for a modular brand architecture of a $8.04B company. You’ve built an incredible tool with methods that allow for entirely new ways of designing the once impossible.

Thanks for reading. Hopefully this gives you a sense of who I am, what’s important to me, and how we can go forth and make—together 👨🏼‍🎨

— Sky MacFadyen