Dear Groundworks team —

I’d love to help Groundworks Art Lab grow, pay it’s loans, and spread the appreciation of the arts on a volunteer basis. Here’s how I might offer value:

While my scholastics centered around economics, I have always pursued the arts. While at Whitman College (hello, Akane!) I took beg./int./adv. level courses in Photography, Ceramics, Multimedia Art, and Printmaking. When I was not performing statistical analysis with clay-caked hands, I worked at the Multimedia Development Lab; helping students use plotter printers and the Adobe creative suite, while authoring a self-guided curriculum for the lab.

Since then, my career as a creative professional has cultivated a multi-disciplinary approach to my work, the ins/outs of mentorship, and habits of structured execution backed by playful curiosity. You may see some of my work to the left.

Areas of possible contribution:

  • Marketing Strategy & Brand Design
    With Google Analytics, a creative narrative, and marketing content calendar, we can measure incremental growth.

  • Architectural, Lifestyle, Still, and Event Photography
    With proper release and rights for use in Marketing or for individual potters portfolios.

  • Website Content Strategy, Design, and Development
    As a Squarespace Circle member and user myself, I have years of experience optimizing a Squarespace web experience.

  • Assist program leads to clean and maintain equipment

What’s more, I live in the Mysa Apartments and am readily available!

Thanks for reading. Hopefully this gives you a sense of who I am, what’s important to me, and how we could inspire the community’s inner artist.

— Sky MacFadyen