Greetings adventurer(s) — last you left things…
Your guild has built momentum; gathering resources and tinkerers to help construct your channel. Your aim: harness The Fun—a metaphysical power that stands to stamp out the Dreary and unite the lands. The tool may one day rival Mechanus. The rub? There are others who wish to capture The Fun, too.
One merchant yells out, “Treasure maps! Getch’ya maps!” Above a sign reads: Verona’s Tricky Trackers.
Beyond the town, towards the Western Coast, a guild of Wizards grows quickly. Loved by many, their reputation beckons your challenge. One group who’s crest emblazoned by a Cloud of Dice wield the Arcana of Material, but is unwieldy. A notorious bard by the name of MC uses unconventional reagents to harness The Fun. To the east, a Pinnacle. To the south lie the Piazo swamps.
“CAAAAAWWWW. CAAWWWW” a Magpie on the roof breaks your mind’s eye.
All the guilds practice The Fun and thus remains a shared sense of purpose among you, but nonetheless a game must be played. The weight of the Law pries for political leverage. While your party is capable, you need an expertise for the next leg of this journey.
You survey the marketplace to find a couple of figures.
The wind blows, and a shimmer of plate pierces the fog to reveal gallant paladin. You notice calligrapher and painter’s tools in his hand.
[The paladin means to Persuade you. Die are cast. Nat twenty]
What would you like to do?
An open application to work with Roll20 as a Creative & Design professional.
While I do pay for and enjoy the products, I feel beholden to the platform: acting as safe harbor through personal challenges; creating a bastion of self-discovery; and, instilling a sense of belonging among the dedicated community. My hope is that we could leverage my skillset to build on those benefits for others.
Thanks for reading. Hopefully this gives you a sense of who I am, what’s important to me, and how (together) we could bring the joy of the Roll20 TTRPG experience to the world.